Family Photo

Family Photo

Monday, February 2, 2015

First Ever CS Taiwan National Conference

  This year we had our very first CS Taiwan national conference.  Making History!  Our family and the Spence family, doing surf ministry in the south, met to have fellowship, pray, establish ministry goals, and even to minister to the surfers up North. 
   During the conference, Chris got a random email from a Taiwanese surfer that wanted to get more information on CS Taiwan and see if and how she could help.  It turns out she was right down the street from where we were staying and had been a Christian for some time now.  She wasn't going to church regularly and was seeking a church, especially one suitable for her non-Christian surfer friends.  She was unable to join for a surf because of a surgery she had recently gone through, but Chris and Brian met her for an hour to just talk. During this talk, they got to pray for her, getting words and praying for faster healing on her wound.  She began crying and said she felt warmth on her wound, totally having an encounter with the Lord! 
  We now see it wasn't a random email, but it was the Lord moving, not just to touch this girl's life, but to encourage us to keep going.  There are surfers out there that are hungry for God and hungry for the truth.

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